
Um, somebody help me out...

So, I go to these "blogs of note". I see someone talking boringly about their boring day, and there's like 66 comments.

What am I doing wrong? Should I cultivate my inner fucking boring person?

Don't get me wrong- I don't care all that much. My six posters all kick ass.

But i am a little confused. It's like being back in LA and tryin' to "get signed".



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't let it get to you, matey. Comment whores are all about arse-licking the top fellas, getting links off their asinine comments to their meaningless day-to-day online shopping lists & kitten photographs.
See that Jason "Mr Top Blog" Kottke? I'll wager 50% of the commenters on his blog are there just to get traffic to their blog.
I guarantee, you get on that "blogs of note" thing on Blogger and 400,000 wankstains will be soon leaving their little pearls of "wisdom" on your blog.
I'll say it again, your blog rocks. Comment numbers count for nothing. Keep on keeping on.

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I've wondered the same thing. I reckon it's this: There's a lot of very smart people out there who, if you should meet them in the street or (probably not) in a bar, they would be the most brilliantly uninteresting people you ever tried to dredge a conversation out of. They'd only talk about their own obsessions -- knife collecting, say, or silent movies. Even if you know about these things, you'll never know as much as smarty-pants. And you'll never, ever get them off the topic of their choice -- movies about Nixon, say, or great turnip recipes.

Well, these same people also love to blog and they do so in the same self-satisfied tone, on topics that are of no use to anybody, for pages upon pages upon pages without one word of geniune wit.

Good thang about you Bobby: you have a brain in your head and a heart ... somewhere. Much more fun to read than most. Funny too. Glad Neddie sent me your way.

3:22 PM  
Blogger XTCfan said...

As the other two have said, don't let it bring you down ... the thing is, you say it all in your posts. The ones that elicit comments are the ones that get them. The rants, which are thoroughly enjoyable, are just not made for it. I come here for stream-of-consciousness angerhumor, and seriously, what the fuck am I going to be able to add to your unique mix? That's why I come here -- to hear *you* talk, not necessarily to reply.

5:51 PM  

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