
Accentuating The Positive

So, I'm going to say a thing or two about Michael Penn instead of cursing and sputtering. How's that?

I was inspired at the Lightfoot Awards ceremony a couple days ago to see what Michael Penn is up to these days and it turns out he's got a new album coming out early next month. Apparently you can stream it here.

Michael is truly the American Andy Partridge. He's endured the exact same "Ship Caught In Ice" record label hostage situation that drove XTC off the rails for years. Good old record labels. Sony was even worse to Penn than it was to their other big selling Michael, Jackson. Boo hoo.

Well, he's free now and I bet his new record will rock a lot of ass.

Unlike The Reluctant Cannonball, however, Mr. Penn will tour in the fall behind his Mr. Hollywood Jr. 1947 this fall. Somewhat extensively. I love the title of this record. It is very Penn. Those of you who read my Penn thing a couple days ago will recall my noting his obsession with Old Hollywood. Now he comes out with a record named Mr. Hollywood Jr., 1947.

See? Everything doesn't suck.


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