
Hello I'm Andy Partridge In 1979.

I just hopped along to lighten the mood a little because Bobby's going to some dark, smelly places today and I just wanted everyone to unwind and cleanse your mental pallet a while.

Just remember, folks- next time you feel like the world makes you want to shower and wash your hands to excess- there was a 1979. If you were there, you know how good it was.

I wouldn't judge Bobby too harshly for making fun of Ann Coulter's frigidity or talking about autoerotic whatever and making you picture getting waylaid by Carl Rove's crispy pigtail (AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA). Just remember the guy's gotta deal with the fact that "Brass In Pocket" will never be in heavy rotation again, that Elvis Costello will never insult Ray Charles again, that the Stranglers are dead and gone and no one even remembers "Golden Brown". Bobby has to toil through his days knowing that "Black Sea" will never come out again and that he'll never crack the wrapper on a new Pistols disc. Actually that was already true then.

So just remember, it was bitchin' and we toured with Talking Heads the yr. before. Isn't it funny to hear me say things Andy Partridge would never say? Like "bitchin'"? It sounds funny when I say it.

Check it out- Whazzap, dog- what's the 4-1-1 yo?

Doesn't that sound funny when I say it? Andy Partridge would never say that shit. Ha. I'd never talk like that at all.

Anyway, thanks-

Andy Partridge


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