
Excuses, Excuses.

Yeah, big absence here. Who fuckin' cares? I've been either tired, busy, high or all three. Mea maxima. I'm going to sleep like th' fucking dead tonight so if I don't get around to saying some shit nobody gives a fuck about let me just summarize my position on today's hot topics:

Issue: Haditha

Commentary:Boy is that some shocking crap right there. Hoo boy. See, usually war is so nice and civil and Iraq so far has been a textbook case of not fucking up civilians. That's what makes this all th' more tragic. Yeah, I'm so shocked and dismayed. That shit wasn't like a First Person Shooter atall. You wouldn't think this sort of thing would happen when you take 18-year olds and teach them to kill people and blow shit up and then give 'em multiple tours of duty and deal with their fatigue by pillin' 'em more full of speed than a fucking long haul trucker.

The solution I propose: Hang Rumsfeld by his fucking scrote. Ditto everyone in th' gov't above the position of fluffer. Fuck 'em all.

Also all CEO's. They're SO in on this shit. Especially that craphandler over at Exxon. Let's pour acid up his ass and see if it makes it all th' way through. He's pretty much personally responsible for all he tragedy in the fucking world. Lee Raymond. Feckless cunt.

Issue: Th' latest round of vote-wranglin' with gay marriage and that.

Commentary: Yeah, this isn't transparent of Bush at all. No sir. It's like th' brilliant glory days of Rove strategizing are back all over again. See, I don't hate stupid right wing cunts because they're stupid right wing cunts. I hate them because they fall for this shit over and over and over and make my country suck because of it.

And because they're stupid right wing cunts.

Th' solution that I propose: Let's get th' homophobes to confront their latent fear of gayness once and for all. At th' business end of drifter schlong. Drifter schlong. Think of the jobs it'll create. And ultimately, with solid aversion therapy, I suspect we'll observe conditions that don't ultimately indicate aversion at all. Quite the contrary, citizens.

Drifter Schlong. Saw 'em on the '98 tour. Good concerts that year. I think that was th' year I saw Hole opening for Tool.

Issue: Billy Preston dying.

Commentary: This is fucked. Guy was like 59. Too bad he didn't have th' voodoo shit working for him like that fat ass shit head child skull fucking waste of skin scumbag fuck Cheney. Jesus, Cheney couldn't play a fucking rolling third on a Rhodes if you dangled fresh infant flesh in front of him. I hate him so much it makes my fucking dick shrivel. Even more.

Th' Solution That I Propose: When the arc of universe swings towards injustice, well, I just don't know what to tell you. I'll be toasting Billy often and well from th' Soulfinger stage. We do some of his shit.

Look, I try to stay away from my blog when all I want to do is spew hatred and rage. Obviously I've failed this time. Maybe I'll fucking try again tomorrow. Maybe fucking not. Oh, the fucking confusion. The trying to do the right thing and feeling like a fucking chump. You guys get rewarded for playin' ball honestly? I gotta say, sometimes I feel like I'm Bill Frist's asshole and the universe is Cheney's dingler. Fucking Christ.


Blogger Kevin Wolf said...

Yes. Billy Preston. More bad news, but at least a reminder of the stuff human beings can do that doesn't end up killing people.

Some day, all those assholes you mentioned will be dead too. Unless they've also rigged that game.

5:51 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Ooh, well put, Simon! See, I was mad at myself because between Haditha, the threat of enshrining homophobia in the Constitution, and Billy Preston dying, it's the last one that has me the most upset, but after reading what Simon wrote I'm thinking my priorities aren't entirely insane. Or heartless.

7:06 PM  
Blogger teh l4m3 said...

Keith Richards really needs to fall out of trees more often...

7:38 PM  
Blogger Bobby Lightfoot said...

Wow, that shreds. Fuckin' gap-toothed motherfucker.

Everyone go check it out now.

These people are all leaving us.

10:10 PM  
Blogger The Viscount LaCarte said...

Look, I try to stay away from my blog when all I want to do is spew hatred and rage. Obviously I've failed this time.

Well if it is any consolation, (or as my ex-boss Tony D used to say, "if it's any compensation," your continued inability to succeed in that goal inspires me.

I think I'm gonna do my own version of the Koufax's with my own categories and let people vote, except I have n votes...

8:51 AM  
Blogger roxtar said...

" Good concerts that year. I think that was th' year I saw Hole opening for Tool."

I saw that tour. Got a t-shirt. Crotchless.

3:18 PM  

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