
The Point Being That Artists Who Never Equivocate Are Boring.

Equivocation is next to godliness, we all know that. You know that a lot of the time the reason you don't like certain people and you can't quite figure out why is 'cause they're unequivocating. They don't put the picture of themselves being wrong in the Big Formula.

I cannoteth stand that. That's why I'm all on about those Christers being marched off. I don't know why I feel that way; it's childish, really. I take that back, though; it's not the Christers per se. I just happen to see the Christers. It's all the god damn fundamentalists. And not even of religion: political fundamentalists and financial fundamentalists and artistic fundamentalists. There's something that they ruin for me. I can't quite put my finger on it. And it's not some thing like I'm jealous of their conviction or some crap; my belief in the utter and beautiful randomness of it all is every bit as strong as their weird-ass goat blood drinking shit. That weird fucking blood 'n' guts creepiness that they're all wagging at you.

So maybe I'm a fundamentalist. God knows I'd never murder anyone or covet mine neighbor's ass. But that's not some cruddy voodoo. I'm not restraining myself at great personal expense 'cause Baby Fecus rocked th' cross that awful day. It's not because of some blood ritual religion crap. I'm just of good breeding is all.

All objects in the physical world react to one another in predictable ways. When you are of a more open-minded, ideologically pliant nature, things can move through you or bounce softly off you and not lose their delicate attunement to the Universal B Flat, you know wha'am sayin'? It's like a game board and the tokens are marshmallows.

Then you get these god damn leech-applying Christers and them out onto the field and they're just like dominos, motherfucker. They're like lead soldiers.

And before you know it you got all this unease. Unease. The abscence of harmony, based on nonpliant particulates permuting incoming signals and deflecting same. It's like a guitar chord where all the notes are fucking with each other and trying to drown each other out. Eeesh.

I have this weird intolerance of that. Maybe that's what it is. Things that are out of tune just launch me back into a prior life where I was a proton or some shit and I get a headache all over my body.

I just want to groove with all the other particulate masses and not be all bouncing around the petri dish 'cause these fucking idiots are all reflective.

I think "fundamentalist" would be a great word for a person who is only interested in buttfucking.

And that's where the 'Foot comes down on that crap.


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