Ladies and Gentlemen Nelson Motherfuckin' BRAGG!!

Yeah, he's th' one in the lower left with the glasses. Yeah, that's Brian Wilson. See, Nelson's in his band.
Yes! Nelson rocks. Let me tell you why. Not only is he an old musical colleague who made my band sound TITS in the early '90's, he has Succeeded. He went to LA a few years after me, must have been '97, '98. However, instead of trying to shove a fat man through th' eye of a needle like Yours Truly, he apparently had the sense to be open to things. Me, it was always my songs or th' highway. I never thought of working in any other capacity. Nelson fuckin' ended up doing percussion and vocals for Brian Wilson's Smile album and touring with the live show. God damn. Go to his MySpace page. He's got a new album out that's pretty Lightfootesque i.e. 60's inflected ambitio-pop. There's all these pictures of him hanging out with sundry musical legends and playing Glastonbury and shit.
Guy called me once in the late '90's to tell me he was in LA but I had my head too far up my ass with my careeer to follow up. I think it's fucking brilliant that Nelson has ended up kicking so much ass. And I never would have expected it- not that he isn't a gifted motherfucker but I've just known so many cockier, more arrogant, pushier, more self-confident dudes who are slingin' hammers now. Nothing against slingin' hammers. But it ain't playing fucking Glastonbury or playing with th' Negro Problem and all that.
I say good on you, dude. And you're so cool and so deserving that I can't even be jealous which is the greatest gift of all. It's not like when those fucking nipples The Supreme Dicks got signed to SubPop or when that asshole Charlie Clouser joined NiN. And you look like Peter Asher now- th' specs are happening. And your girlfriend probably looks like Jane. And you told me that fuckin' hilarious story of how this girl was giving you head once and when she was done you were like are you O.K.?
Dude, if you come to this post leave me a link or something- John did a boffo remaster of Th' Mr. Sherwood album and I'll throw it up for you since I was too much of a self-involved asshole to give you one last time you asked.
Hey, here's Nelson making my band Mr. Sherwood sound TITS in '92 when I was 26. What a cool band that was- I, of course, was the only one who realized it at the time. Actually, I think Nelson realized it. He's drumming and singing, Johnny Tomorrow is on electric guitar and vox, Paul Rocha is on acoustic 12-string and vox, and I'm on lead vox and bass:
"Blue All Over"
Woah! That's a fun song. It's so filigreed and so unapologetically, breezily complex. Haven't listened to any of this stuff in a coonz age. I have to dig all this old shit out. I've avoided it for so long because it always tended to make me sad the way it all came to nought. I'm getting closer to being out of that depressive tunnel at last, though. I could probably enjoy some of this stuff now- I've been an also-ran for long enough that it's sort of status quo, you know? And I've seen enough that I just can't get much of a boner over th' whole biz any more. I still get a boner out of doing good music, though. And I feel like I'm sort of just starting. It isn't as easy as it was before, you know? I haven't put pen to paper in months. I've been really musically busy but it's all for money. And not much at that.
I really need to write a song. Or at least dig one out of the vault and shake th' cobwebs off it. I want to do a rock album. I've got a dozen or more really good driving forward-looking rock songs that have just amassed in my head over the last ten years and I've never so much as demoed them because I've been so sick of rock.
At first I couldn't hang with it. Th' dismal failure. The dismal failure and the wasted time and the bad faith. Not at all. Jesus Christ was I sad. Shit like this, though, where fuckin' Nelson gets to do the Smile tour makes it easier. He's in that movie and everything, the asshole. What a fuckin' blast.
Rock on, dude. Tell Ringo I said hello.