Parables Of Th' Retarded Fuckface Jesus #2: Retarded Fuckface Jesus and Th' Prostitunes of Mishthahlon

"Verily this is not the place where thy lord seeping discharge is honored with sacrifice," quoth The Retarded Fuckface Jesus, full of ire to see th' temple thus defiled.
"Forgive us, oh Retarded Fuckface Jesus," spoke the leader of the moneylenders, "and allow us to put forth a boon of these many dancing prostitunes for thee and thy disciples, for if thy god is th' god of the seeping discharge ye shall find in three or for days that ye shall all be children of th' seeping discharge, and well-honored indeed He shall be."
Peter spake thence with a trembling voice. "Oh, Retarded Fuckface Jesus," he quoth, rending his robes in a manner frightening to behold, "where shall we repair with this dozen of prostitunes that we may all have modesty and privacy whence to cavort?"
Th' Retarded Fuckface Jesus rubbed th' bread from his beard and ponder'd.
"Shall we go to the caves of Nivea, those of the Dry Sea?" queried Jehosephat.
"Or bychance shall we repair to the Urns Of Flatula, the better to cavort?" asked Brutus Of Narnia.
A smile broke about the face of Th' Retarded Fuckface Jesus.
"Let us henceforth repair to my dad's place," he intoned solemnly, "for in my father's house there are many rooms."