My Dear Friends

I must apologize to all and sundry for a frightful lapse in communication resulting from the dramatic explosion of my hard drive a while ago. Emails and addresses were lost en masse. Among those who I bow and scrape before are:
Simon, who is days away from getting me a monster record deal. And always says things that assuage my Regret. Resend that last one, compadre!
XTCFan, who cheerleads me to a largely indifferent Andy Partridge. Can yez send me your meatmail again so I can send the latest and we can Underwhelm Th' Partridge once more?
Viscount LaCarte- we always get some thread going and then my shit blows up and I lose it. Like a cock.
Kevin Wolf- who sent me th' dopest Barrence Whitfield Live and it went tits up before I could so much as burn it. Send again and I will send you coupons for free Thai Sex Workers. They're sold by the foot. 3 feet=one, 6 feet=two, etc.
Ben Sadock- who cut a really cool version of my song "Monday Wedding" and sent me his whole bitchin' voice-and-Hohner-Pianet album and...boom. Send again! I want to post your version and review your bitchin' album.
Onward! Now, as soon as I remaster every song I recorded last year I'll be back up 'n' running.