Pimp My Rhodes

Pressing different combinations of buttons unlocks th' secrets of Love.
Yeah, I wanted to do a blog on th' Great Rhodes Refurbishing of '06 but I of course wanted to Lightfootize it in some manner or another so I wouldn't just be another polesmoking consumer buttfuck all worked up about some piece of fucking metal and wood like every other pissant Crap obsessed dickweed I'm forced to share th' Road Of Life With. with.
I'm thinking I'll take a bigass cucumber and shove it down some tight jeans and have my crotch in every shot, Spinal Tap style. See, that'd be funny but, well, it would be coals to Newcastle if you get m'druft. Girlish titter.
So phuck it- I'm just going to have to suck it up and realize that I'm just another cheesy middle-aged putz in his little shed licking his finger and rubbing on some piece of consumer bullshit to wipe away an unsightly moist spot that I created in a fit of Consumer Moneyshotting. Just a fruitnut, y'know? Just like any other douchebag with a "honk again I'm reloading" bumpersticker in th' geerage under th' hood of my 73 Corvette. Tre middle class, daddy.
Difference is I've done lots, lots lots more drugs.
You have to admit it looks pretty hot, though. When I climb onto them boards and get behind this little betty ain't nobody gonna think I'm stopping off on the way to a bowling game, man. It was quite a job and a bit more expensive than I would have liked, and it'll just get torn to shit in like three days but that's life. Then I can redo it in orange or lime-green or some shit. Or snake skin.
Th' wood case was pretty well pocked from twenty-seven years on this planet so there was plenty of sanding and applications of wood filler and all that. Lori sprang for the not-inexpensive new black hardware for my early birthday and I got a new front logo which sparkles like, well, like a new piece of '73 Corvette trim.
Wouldn't you know I also made a matching padded dolly that th' thing rests and rolls in. So maybe it won't get all fucked up for like a week. My little deuce coupe.

Jesus added to show scale.

First thing I wonder when I see a Rhodes set up with th' lid on: how many pounds of weed have been cleaned on this surface since 1974?

Stop jacking off and play a song on me.

The lid must also be covered in- and out. The top part is a latched compartment for the legs and all that.

Cherry Twizzler Red, I call it.

Sal Th' Feist sez just wait 'til I add a fragrant coiler.