Republican Politician Name Generators

Yeah, there's a couple three different ones. First one is simple- for the first name just use some slang word for "penis" (I hesitate, unlike many amongst us, to refer to it as the "male penis". I'm not being payed by th' word here).
Anyway! That's a mouthful! Heh!
Last name: Just add a branch of military service and a nonsense syllable! It's easier'n fuck!
-Dick Armyblerch
-Cock Marinefloont
-Prick Navyblunt
-Prong Forceburton
Try it! Trade 'em with you friends! Scare your mom!
Here's System Number Two, fumapolios:
For th' first name you just come up with a garment and for th' last name you use a computer part:
-Mitt Rom(ney)
-Sock Motherboard
-Brief Networkcard
-Glove RAMmery. Glove Rammery- guy's all OVER deregumalation.
-Pants Hardrive.
Finally, my dears we have the "first name- gross little slimy animal, second name physical malady" approach. Check 'er:
-Leech Exzema
-Worm Sciatica
-Shrimp Klostomie
Woah! That's mildly amusing. See, I haven't lost my edge. I've just gone back to music for a while. Anybody wants to pay me for writing offensive shit I'm all over it.
'Til then, let's see if you can come up with SOME MORE!