"Kielbasa" by Tenacious D

And it totally wasn't when fiction played our "space rock opera" mini-opus live for the first time at th' Mint in Hollywood and it was like the best thing in rock ever and everyone knew it and everyone knew we never had a prayer. Which was one of the best things about it. Dude, music that doesn't have a prayer is more commodifiably poignant. registered TM.
And it wasn't when I first saw Johnny's band (see post below) The Answer with Greg Ordzurk on drums and they were so good and christ I hadn't even smoked up first and they were still that amazing. Actually, wait- oh, I had. But shit, man. They were like The Police if The Police were more about drugs and 13/7 punk-prog jams than they were about lucre.
Nay, 'twasnt even the moment I first listened to Rufus' Poses and realized that yet again my thunder had been stolen, and stolen by someone far more beautiful than I. Or the time the producer in LA was all over my shit and I somehow managed to fatally insult him on th' phone. Or when I played piano for Tiny Tim but he refused to tune his ukelele and I was a quarter-tone away and had to mime the whole show after shedding for days.
Or when I realized there's a moment that's your best moment and it usually comes way, way too motherfuckin' soon. And then when you're dying you're like fuck, I always thought I'd have a better pole smokin' moment than that shit and now I have to discorporate and mind you it'll hurt.
No, it was none of these or countless other heartaches. No, it was nothing so prettily prosaic as any of these little winges.
It was when I first heard "Kielbasa" by Tenacious D.
I've never felt like that, man. Like I might as well just stay the motherfucking christ in bed. "Fuck Her Gently" is no picnic either.
Shit is just that good.