Th' Baby Jeebiz Game

Yeah, we haven't played at Bargaining With The Creepster for way too long. Here's what we do: pick worthwhile people who died and offer baby Jeekers an alternative sacrifice. It's th' third stage of bereavement, man: bargaining.
This week I've got thirty-two names and it's going to be a spot of work so let's get on with it. I will put down the name of someone and the proposed switch.
Ross Abdallah Alameddine--------- Alberto Gonzalez
Christopher James Bishop------- Rush Limbaugh
Brian Bluhm--------- Donald Trump
Ryan Clark-------- Exxon CEO Lee Raymond
Austin Cloyd--------- Bill O'Reilly
Jocelyne Coutere-Nowak---------- Barbara Bush
Kevin Granata----------- Simon Cowell
Matthew Gwaltney---------- Paul Wolfowitz
Caitlin Hammaren--------- Katie Couric
Jeremy Herbstritt-------- John McCain
Rachael Elizabeth Hill---------- Anne Coulter
Emily Hilscher----------- Paris Hilton
Jarrett Lane------------ Dennis Hastert
Matthew J. La Porte------------ Dick Cheney
Henry Lee----------------- Ed Bennet, CEO of VH1
Don Ho----------------- Mark Mays, CEO of Clear Channel Communications
Liviu Librescu------------- that fucking ghoul Kissinger
G.V. Loganathan----------- Pat Dollard
Partahi Lumbantoruan------------ Roger Ailes, CEO of Fox News
Lauren McCain----------------- Paris Hilton
Daniel O'Neil---------- Google CEO Eric Schmidt
Juan Ramon Ortiz-------------- Silvio Berluscone
Minal Panchal----------- Josh Groban
Daniel Perez Cueva---------- Tony Blair
Erin Peterson------------ Regina Spektor
Mike Pohle------------- Karl Rove
Julia Pryde-------------- Avril Lavigne
Mary Read-------------- US House Representative Jean Schmidt
Reema Samaha----------- Richard fucking Perle
Waleed Shaalan----------- Toby Keith
Leslie Sherman------------ NBC Universal CEO Jeff Zucker
Maxine Turner------------- OJ Simpson
Nicole White------------ Condoleeza Rice
Whaddya say, Creepus? Come through for fucking once, nailhands.